martedì 20 luglio 2010

The root of all evil?

The Root of All Evil? is a television documentary, written and presented by Richard Dawkins, in which he argues that humanity would be better off without religion or belief in God.

lunedì 19 luglio 2010

Yothu Yindi - Treaty - Tribal Voice

Words are easy, words are cheap
Much cheaper than our priceless land
But promises can disappear
Just like writing in the sand

So you better get up and fight for your rights
Don’t be afraid of the move you make
You better listen to your tribal voice!

giovedì 15 luglio 2010

Starfish Prime: Optimus? no direi di no

Starfish Prime: il progetto statunitense – assolutamente, incredibilmente, follemente reale – di far esplodere nello spazio una bomba termonucleare mille volte più potente di quella di Hiroshima, PER VEDERE COSA SAREBBE SUCCESSO.

Ogni volta mi stupisco dell'uomo

martedì 13 luglio 2010

Derek Tastes of Ear Wax

Imagine if every time you saw someone called Derek you got a strong taste of earwax in your mouth. It happens to James Wannerton, who runs a pub. Derek is one of his regulars. Another regular's name gives him the taste of wet nappies. For some puzzling reason, James's sense of sound and taste are intermingled. Dorothy Latham sees words as colours. Whenever she reads a black and white text, she sees each letter tinged in the shade of her own multi-coloured alphabet - even though she knows the reality of the text is black and white. Spoken words have an even stranger effect. She sees them, spelled out letter by letter, on a colourful tickertape in front of her head. Both James and Dorothy have a mysterious condition called synaesthesia, in which their senses have become linked. For years scientists dismissed it, putting it in the same category as séances and spoon-bending. But now, synaesthesia is sparking a revolution in our understanding of the human mind.

venerdì 9 luglio 2010

Day on day I march the beat to someone else's drum

Against my will to these sad shores
An unknown force has drawn me
Bound unto a future shaped by ancestors before me
Day on day I march the beat to someone else's drum
I have searched far foreign lands there's nowhere left to run

Impending storm rise up rise up
Oh demons I shall shame you!
Look down the barrel of my gun and one by one I'll name you
Day on day my brothers leave go marching off to war
Yet we never understand for what we're fighting for

Ho capito l'evoluzionismo?

Mi ha proprio messo voglia di leggere il suo libro.
Illuminante e molto profondo questo intervento, mi ha particolarmente colpito la parte riguardante l'evoluzione come cambiamento e le sue implicazioni con cui dobbiamo ancora confrontarci..

Ammetto che avevo sempre e solo accettato quest'immagine senza pensarci molto..

E' stupendo poter avere una prospettiva nuova

giovedì 8 luglio 2010

Purple Hearts

Vagando in rete ho trovato quello che si cerca di nascondere anche se è sempre sotto gli occhi di tutti.
La guerra

E chissà come se la passano le Purple Hearts dall'altra parte del fronte.
Probabilmente molto male, come ogni essere umano passato attraverso una guerra